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air-jet spinning

Yarn formation using Air-Jet Spinners

The Air-Jet spinning is very sensitive to the fiber length and fiber length distribution(short fiber content) of the material being processed. The amount of wrapping twist varies depending upon the length of the wrapping fibers as only a part of the total extent is utilized to wrap the core fibers. Wrapping the fibers shorter 12.5 mm practically do not make a significant contribution to the strength of the yarn.Air-jet Spinning is suitable for processing medium and long staple comber cotton fibers a

Standard Staple Yarn Spinning Procedures

Yarn making from staple fibers involves picking (opening, sorting, cleaning, blending), carding and combing (separating and aligning), drawing (re-blending), drafting (drawing into a long strand) and spinning (further drawing and twisting). Silk and synthetic filaments are produced by a less extensive procedure. Current high-production yarn-making operations are performed on integrated machines that perform this entire sequence as one combined operation.

Air Jet Spinning

Air jet spinning has offered yarn manufacturers the opportunity to produce yarn at relatively high production rate. Unlike other spinning methods in which productivity is limited by the amount of twist in the yarn, Air Jet yarns can be produced at the same production rate regardless of yarn counts. Murata Vortex Spinners are one such leading Air Jet spinning machines which excel at producing finer yarns (Ne 40/1-60/1), because of the improved strength imparted to the smaller fibre bundle.