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Importance of a cutting room in garment manufacturing

Where large quantities of a garment style must be cut, a layer is created which consists of many piles of fabric spread one above the other. From this, all the garment pieces for all the sizes that have been planned for that layer are cut. The pattern shapes for these garments may be drawn on a paper marker placed on top of the lay, or information as to their shape and position may be held within a computer, to be plotted similarly on a paper marker or used to drive an automatic cutter.

Fabric Cutting in Garment Manufacturing

Cutting is the process which cut out the pattern pieces from specified fabric for making garments.Using the markers made from graded patterns and in accordance with the issue plan, fabrics are cut to prepare garment assembly. This is the major operation of the cutting room, of all of the operations in the cutting room this is the most decisive because once the fabric has been cut, very little can be done to rectify serious mistakes.