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Eco Textiles

Testing in Eco Textiles

Consumers are becoming conscious in regards to green and environmentally friendly consumer goods. They prefer products that have no harmful effect on the environment. The trend of green consumerism has been extended to textile and apparel products. Major European and U.S textile buyers have responded to this public awareness by viewing their textile products from an ecological standpoint and established certain requirements on textile products by undergoing certain predefined testing procedures.

What is Eco-Textiles?

The textile industry is considered as the most ecologically harmful industry in the world. The Eco-problems in textile industry occur during some production processes and are carried forward right to the finished product. In the production process like bleaching and then dyeing, the subsequent fabric makes a toxin that swells into our ecosystem.Therefore the need for eco-textiles is felt.Green textiles refer to clothing and other accessories that are designed to use the organic and recycled material.