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Industrial enzymes in textile production and application

Enzymes are living biological substances that can help speed up any chemical reaction without itself being reduced. But, they work better under certain temperature and pH value. Therefore, these are also called as biological catalysts. Since textiles industry uses many such chemical reactions, enzymes today are a vital part of the textile production system. Applications like pectinases, lipases, proteases, catalases, and xylanases are used in textile processing.

Types of sleeves set-in sleeves, raglan sleeves and kimono sleeves

Sleeve is that part of the garment, which covers the arm of the body and is usually attached to armhole of bodice pattern. Sleeves support the design and functional element of a garment. They are broadly classified into three types – set-in sleeves, raglan sleeves and kimono sleeves which are further made into separate styles.

Importance of a cutting room in garment manufacturing

Where large quantities of a garment style must be cut, a layer is created which consists of many piles of fabric spread one above the other. From this, all the garment pieces for all the sizes that have been planned for that layer are cut. The pattern shapes for these garments may be drawn on a paper marker placed on top of the lay, or information as to their shape and position may be held within a computer, to be plotted similarly on a paper marker or used to drive an automatic cutter.