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Why is Sustainable Fashion not yet Inclusive?

The aim of writing this article is to talk about the ongoing trend of sustainable clothing. Despite sustainability being in a positive image for so many reasons, there are still major factors that are responsible for why we can say that sustainable fashion has a long way to be called “Inclusive”. The working of sustainable brands also makes us interrogate, how relevant it is to call them “sustainable” if it is not accessible to all.

The Sewport Fashion Design Scholarship for BAME Students

The BAME scholarship program is meant for the black, Asian, and other minority groups from the BAME background. It’s essentially anyone who is not a Caucasian. The Sewport launched the Fashion Design Scholarship program for the BAME students after research showed that only 12% of the design managers and sectors business owners were from BAME […]

3D Body Scanning

Even after the basic training, it is difficult for an average salesperson to come up with the exact measurements. It is here that the 3D technology proves to be a boon. The development of three-dimensional body-scanning technology has immense potential for use in the apparel industry, particularly for customization or mass customization strategies to be […]

Where Can You Study Fashion Design in the US?

Today’s fashion industry is at a crossroads. Fast fashion, the industry’s moneymaker, is heavily criticized while sustainable materials are emphasized – and all of this under the persistent craving for novelty in wear and design. Even working conditions in the fashion industry are undergoing a revolution. Whereas before, groups of designers would spend feverish hours […]

Vogue of Corsets

Corset has been a vogue for several reasons. From posture improvement to waist training, the corset has helped women look gorgeous for hundreds of years. There are various types of corsets today, and unlike the ones of olden times, these can even be worn to make a fashion statement. These garments were once used just to enhance the woman’s shape or keep her from jiggling. Today, they are sexy, fun under and outer garments, helping women feel feminine and sensual. They are made from a variety of fabrics and have trimmings such as lace and bows.

Types of skirts

Skirt is something that covers the lower part of the body especially for girls, women or ladies. Skirts come in a variety of shapes and styles and they are essential items in women’s wardrobes. Skirts are more elegant and easy to wear and besides they can be worn in all occasions. It is easier to design skirt than any other garment. In today’s fashion world we find a variety of types of skirt which can be categorized based on size, fabric, and design. The silhouette can be narrow, flared or bouffant. Even straight skirts can vary from extremely tight and narrow at the hem to slightly A-lined. Here is a brief description of the variety of skirt types being used on their vast types.

Purpose of Clothing

Clothing is a complex but fascinating part of everyone’s life. Clothing’s are mainly used to cover our bodies, make us look more elegant and also to express a lot about an individual’s status, personality and occupation. Different clothing styles are used depend on occasions and social situations.

Types of Plackets in garment making

Plackets are particularly seen in women’s garments which have a good fit. They are usually found near the writs, neckline, waist line and other comfort fitting parts of the garment. These are finished openings which are normally kept closed (to have a tight fit) and are opened only while wearing or taking off the garment. Fastneres like zippers, buttons, buttonholes, hooks are used in keeping the plackets closed.

Flat schematics and fashion illustrations

Sketching is an important tool for any sewer—it serves as a roadmap for all phases of garment creation, from fabric and color selection to actual construction. If you can sketch, you can record fashions seen on the street, work out design details, and communicate your ideas to others.