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Preparing the Fabric for Schiffli Embroidery

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Length and width of the required fabric depend both on the length of the embroidery machine as well as on the article produced.

Preparing the Fabric

Almost any fabric (tulle, cotton, polyester, nonwoven fabrics, etc.) is suitable for embroidering.

Length and width of the required fabric depend both on the length of the machine as well as on the article produced. The minimum length for an MD2 2M is 3.2 m, for an MD2 5 M minimum 5.8 m and for an MD2 9M 10.40 m of the fabric are necessary.

Only woven fabrics should be torn to pieces by hand, all other fabrics have to be cut with scissors.

To reduce the time for putting and removing the fabric, maximum three pieces of cloth can be sewn together and spanned at one time on the machine. To avoid the fabric being stuck in the shuttle box, the joint has to be visible on the front side (needle side) of the machine.

Fabrics have to be sewn together straight and with equal tension. Otherwise, it could come to difficulties when spanning the fabric (formation of wrinkles, torn seams). For chemical fabrics, the sewing thread has to be of same material as chemical fabric (has to be removable as well).

The fixing of the fabric in the upper and lower length-tension bars consumes some of the fabric and does not allow embroidering the whole fabric. To embroider the full fabric an additional fabric is sewn on the upper and/or lower edge of the fabric with a chain stitch sewing machine.

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