Since their introduction modern single-use diaper products have continuously improved, becoming lighter, more compact, more absorbent and easier to use. Today it is estimated that more than 95 percent of all parents use them – and it is… Read More...
Generally, a set number of yarns are used for the formation of fabrics. Also, a number of techniques are used for producing fabrics such as weaving, knitting, and felting. The type of fabrics varies by the fibers, the fabric formation… Read More...
Cellulosic chemical fibers of all lengths and degrees of refinement and with clearly different properties are at the disposal of the industry of nonwoven bonded fabrics. They are all characterized by the ability to absorb a fairly high… Read More...
Nonwovens do not depend on the interlacing of yarn for internal cohesion. Intrinsically they have neither an organized geometrical structure. They are essentially the result of the relationship between one single fiber and another. This… Read More...