Kanika Sachdeva1 posts 0 comments
My experience with research in textiles has been comprehensive and varied. Apparel, although a basic part of our existence, has not received enough scholarly attention. Capitalism diverted all attention towards the billion-dollar industry called 'fashion' which has been majorly content with producing 'Tees', cheaper than a cup of coffee. The historical, physical, socio-economic, psychological aspects of textiles have long been undermined. Keeping this in view, the focus of my foremost paper, 'Divine Shringars' was on documentation of a Vaishavanite deity's elaborate attire as well as its connections with the weather conditions and prevailing socio-cultural scenarios in the time and geography, the cult was developed. My master's research was focused on the use of vegetable dyes on contemporary fabrics and explore the possibilities of incorporating them into the market structures. The focus of the conceived project was to experimentally establish the design & after-care dependability of vegetable dyes.