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Emergency Plans and Equipments

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Emergency tools are required and important for all factories. Garment factories that care about the health and safety of their workers invest money on emergency equipment to ensure the safety of workers. Crucial emergency elements are alarms, evacuation plans, emergency lights and gathering areas.

Good practices for equipping emergency fire prevention equipment

Emergency Practices

  • Have people practice emergency evacuation procedures regularly.
  • Post evacuation plans so workers understand where to exit in case of emergencies (Figure 1).
  • Install an alarm system, including bells, smoke detectors, and fire extinguishers.
    Ensure there are sufficient numbers, and check them regularly to ensure that they work properly (Figure 2).
  • Install back up battery powered emergency lights in case of power outages.
  • Make sure that every floor or large room has at least two exists, ensure that these remain unlocked at all times, and make sure they are labeled.
  • Make sure that there is sufficient lighting and signage so workers are able to reach exits quickly.
  • Designate safe gathering areas outside the factory to check and verify that all workers have been safely evacuated from factory buildings in an emergency situation.
Emergency Practices
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Benefits of good emergency practices and Equipment

  • Reduces workers’ fear of workplace accidents.
  • Promotes the image of a safe garment factory to buyers and other stakeholders.
  • Can increase workers’ productivity.

Ways of good emergency practices and Equipment

  • Identify appropriate places to install sufficient numbers of smoke detectors and fire alarms.
  • Fire extinguishers should be located near potential sources of fire.
  • Inspect emergency equipment regularly to make sure they are working properly.
  • Repair or replace old equipment regularly.
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