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Textile Fiber Formulas

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Commonly used fibre formulas and reference guides used by the textile fibre industry.

Name Description
Micronaire value of cotton (Micrograms per inch) Average weight of 1 inch of fibre in Micrograms (1/1000,000 gms)
Denier (for man-made fibres) Weight in gms per 9000 metres of fibre
Micron  (micro-metre)  (μm) (fibre diameter) (normally for Wool) 0.001 mm
Denier 0.354  x Micronaire value
Micronaire Value 2.824 x Denier
Fibre diameter ( μ )  11.3 x √ ( dtex / sp.gr) =  11.9 x √ (den / sp.gr)
Tenacity values: Kg / mm2 9 x (g/den) x Sp.gr. = RKM value x Sp.gr. = (g/tex) x Sp.gr.

Tenacity Conversion

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Tenacity Conversions (Free Strength) g = gms

g/den g/tex g/dtex cN/tex
g/den 1 ( g/tex ) / 9 ( g/dtex ) x 10 / 9 ( cN/tex ) x 0.113
g/tex ( g/den ) x 9 1 ( g/dtex ) x 10 ( cN/tex ) x 1.02
g/dtex ( g/den ) x 0.9 ( g/tex ) / 10 1 ( cN/tex ) x 0.102
cN/tex ( g/den ) / 0.113 ( g/tex ) / 1.02 ( g/dtex ) / 0.102 1
  1. Paul Blase says

    Could you please define some terms here? What is a “tex” and what are the units? Conversion to standard SI units (Newtons, grams, etc) would be very helpful.

    1. Haider Ali says

      Tex is the number of grams per 1000 meters of yarn.

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