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Fashion Dynamics and Principles

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Fashion Dynamics and principles describe the basic characteristics of fashion such as fashion always changes, its cyclical and that its acceptance varies and also it describes the principles like uniformity, balance, proportion, rhythm, unity.

Clothing has remained an integral part of everyday life. In human history, the cloth has evolved from being an object designed to cover nudity among humans or as an article for ‘looking good’ to an instrument for the display of cultural identity and solidarity amongst families and friends. Through clothing, individuals establish their sense of self as well as their place in society.

Dynamics of Fashion

Following are the dynamics of fashion:

  • The constant in fashion is change.
  • Changes in fashion are gradual and evolutionary rather than revolutionary
  • Fashion is Cyclical.
  • Customers make Fashion.
  • Acceptance level in fashion vary.
  • Fashion depends on the place and reflects the lifestyle

Principles of Fashion

The Principles are concepts used to organize or arrange the structural elements of design.The principles are:

  • Balance:
    • It is a reconciliation of opposing forces in a composition that results in visual stability.
    • Most successful compositions achieve balance in one of two ways: Symmetrically and Asymmetrically
  • Proportion:
    • Proportion refers to the relative size and scale of the various elements in a design.
    • The issue is the relationship between objects, or parts, of a whole.
    • This means that it is necessary to discuss proportion in terms of the context or standard used to determine proportions.
  • Rhythm :
    • Rhythm can be described as timed movement through space, an easy, connected path along which the eye follows a regular arrangement of motifs.
    • The presence of rhythm creates predictability and order in a composition.
    • Linear rhythm
    • Repetition
    • Alternation
    • Gradation
  • Emphasis:
    • Emphasis is also referred to as a point of focus, or interruption.
    • It marks the locations in a composition which most strongly draw the viewers attention. Usually, there is a primary, or main, point of emphasis, with emphases in other parts of the composition.
    • The emphasis is usually an interruption in the fundamental pattern or movement of the viewer’s eye through the composition, or a break in the rhythm.
  • Unity :
    • Unity can also be a matter of concept
    • Unity is the underlying principle that summarizes all of the principles and elements of design.
    • It refers to the coherence of the whole, the sense that all of the parts are working together to achieve a common result, a harmony of all the parts.
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