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Energy consumption for spinning machines and compressed air

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The results of energy consumption calculation in spinning mills on machines and compressed air.

Demonstration of energy consumption

The results obtained by the procedure outlined are demonstrated in the following table. This contains production parameters (type and number of machines, actual production rate, actual installed power etc.) and calculated data (operating time, energy use for operating machines and compressed air). For the investigated spinning mill, the unit power needed for compressors to provide unit compressed air (NA) was determined as 0.12 kWh/m3.

Machines Production parameters Calculated data
No of machines Actual production rate (I), Kg/h mac. Actual unit power (n), kW Unit comp. air needed (c), m3/h Operat. time (t), h Energy for machines (e), kWh Energy for compr. air (ea), kWh
Unifock 1 950 6.00 14.45 4.02 24.12 11.30
Uniclean 1 950 6.75 4.00 27.00
Unimix 1 617.5 5.25 6.10 32.03
Unifex 1 570 9.00 6.60 59.40
Kondenser 1 570 4.00 6.50 26.00
Carding M. 4 42.0 14.50 9.10 22.40 1299.20 97.80
Drawing M. 1 181.6 7.50 0.48 20.23 151.73 1.17
Unilap 1 381.5 11.00 3.30 9.60 105.60 3.80
Combing M 3 47.0 5.50 2.40 25.62 422.73 22.10
Drawing M. 1 109.0 8.25 0.56 28.80 237.60 2.00
Roving M. 1 116.6 11.40 0.40 26.73 305.00 1.30
Ring Spin. 3 26.5 34.00 36.25 38.73 3950.50 505.40
Winding M. 1 84.7 13.50 30.00 35.60 480.60 124.60
TOTAL 7121.50 769.47

The share of energy used for machines

The share of energy used for machines (%)

As the machines in the blowing room were interconnected, the compressed air needed has been calculated cumulatively by taking the operating time as 6.6 hours. Using the parameters in the table and related equations, the total energy consumed for machines was found to be 7121.5 kWh and 3950.5 kWh of this was used by the ring spinning machines.

In order to see the percentage of the energy used for each machine, Figure 3 was obtained. As can be seen, the maximum energy consumption (3950.5 kWh) among machines occurred in ring spinning machines (55.5%) and carding machines follow this with a share of 18.2%.

This fgure also provides the opportunity for comparing the corresponding data with the data available in as shown in Table. The calculated share of each machine type in total energy consumption was compared with the results of 10 tex. As the 10 tex yarn is fner than 20 tex, the share of the ring machines for 10 tex yarn seemed to be higher than that of 20 tex, as expected.

Comparison of energy consumption

Machines The Share of Energy Consupmtion for Each Machine (%)
10tex (Literature) 20tex (Present Approach)
Blowing Room 3.37 2.4
Carding 6.52 18.2
Combing 3.52 7.4
Drawing 2.09 5.5
Roving 5.77 4.3
Ring Spinning 78.73 55.4
Winding 6.8
TOTAL 100 100

Since similar data showing the shares of machines in total energy consumption has not been reached for 20 tex yarn in literature, the energy consumption for 10tex yarn was also calculated by using the present approach with suitable production parameters for 10 tex yarn (atex = 3828, 16000rpm) and the results were compared with the data in literature, as shown in Table. The results calculated and data given in literature are nearly the same. The small differences occurring between the values are attributed to the exclusion of the winding step for data in literature and the changes faced in production parameters. Total energy consumption including air conditioning and illuminating So as to calculate the total energy usage for the chosen yarn, energy consumption of air conditioning and illuminating should be found, as explained before.

Machines Production Parameters Calculated Data for 10tex Machines Calculated energy share for machines, % Data in literature for 10 tex, %
No of mach. Actual production rate (L),kg/h mac. Actual unit power, (N), kW Operat.Time (t),hour Energy for machines (E), kWh
Unifock 1 950.00 6.00 4.02 24.14 Blowing Room 1.1 3.37
Uniclean 1 950.00 6.75 4.00 27.00
Unimix 1 617.50 5.25 6.10 32.03
Unifex 1 570.00 9.00 6.60 59.40
Kondenser 1 570.00 4.00 6.50 26.00
Carding M. 4 38.84 14.50 23.78 1378.95
Drawing M. 1 167.65 7.50 21.90 164.25
Unilap 1 381.15 11.00 9.60 105.60 Carding 8.5 6.52
Combing M 3 43.40 5.50 27.76 458.15 Combing 3.5 3.52
Drawing M. 1 100.61 8.25 31.24 257.73 Drawing 2.6 2.09
Roving M. 1 72.88 11.40 42.80 487.92 Roving 3.0 5.77
Ring Spin. 9 8.56 34.00 39.95 1222.40 Ring Spinning 75.8 78.73
Winding M. 2 45.65 13.50 33.02 892.35 Winding 5.5
TOTAL 16139.90 TOTAL 100.0 100.00

For this reason, data such as monthly energy consumption for air conditioning and illuminating system and the amount of monthly yarn production should be obtained. Monthly energy consumption for air conditioning and illuminating were calculated as 234000 kWh/month and 43200 kWh/month respectively. And also; it was determined from the mill records that total yarn production was 401580 kg/month for the examined month (May). By application of the developed approach, energy consumption for air conditioning and illumination were found and the results are shown in Table.

Consumption place Energy consumption, kWh Share, % Specifc energy consumption, kWh/kg
Machines 7121.5 71.3  energy consumption formula
Compressors 769.5 7.7
Illumination 322.7 3.5
Air Conditioning 1748.0 17.5
TOTAL 9961.7 100.0

Specifc energy consumption for the yarn concerned was determined as 3.32 kWh/kg which can also be seen from the table. Specifc energy consumption for 20 tex combed ring yarn changes between 3.49 and 3.62 kWh/kg among the chosen countries. The data obtained from the present study (3.32 kWh/kg) represents a relatively smaller value than that of the selected countries. It is thought that the difference between the values comes from the changes in manufacturing parameters of machines such as type, waste ratio, speed and energy effciency.

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