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Useful Calculations and Different Paper sizes

0 988

It provides various useful calculations for conversion of various shapes and also International paper sizes for the purpose of documentation.

It provides various useful calculations for conversion of various shapes and also International paper sizes for the purpose of documentation.

Some Useful Calculations

Area Volume
Circle Cone radius2* height * 1/3
Hexagon 2.598 * S2 Cube S3
Octagon 4.828 * S2 Cylinder
Rectangle base * height Pyramid base area * height * 1/3
Square S2 Rectangular Length * width * height
Triangle base height * 1/2 Sphere
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International Paper Sizes

Some of the standard paper sizes used internationally are as follows:

A series B Series C Series
A0 1189 * 841 mm B0 1414 * 1000 mm C0 1297 * 917 mm
A1 841   * 595 mm B1 1000 * 707   mm C1 917   * 648 mm
A2 594   * 420 mm B2 707   * 500   mm C2 648   * 458 mm
A3 420   * 297 mm B3 500   * 353   mm C3 458   * 324 mm
A4 297   * 210 mm B4 353   * 250   mm C4 324   * 229 mm
A5 210   * 148 mm B5 250   * 176   mm C5 229   * 162 mm
A6 148   * 105 mm B6 176   * 125   mm C6 163   * 114 mm
A7 105   *   74 mm B7 125   *   88   mm C7 114   *   81 mm
A8 74     *   52 mm B8 88     *   62   mm C8 81     *   57 mm
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