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Textile Labelling Act

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The Textile Labelling Act is a regulatory statute. It requires that consumer textile articles bear accurate and meaningful labeling information to help consumers make informed purchasing decisions.

The Textile Labelling Act is a regulatory statute. It requires that consumer textile articles bear accurate and meaningful labelling information to help consumers make informed purchasing decisions.

What is Textile Labelling Act?

The Textile Labelling Act prohibits the making of false or misleading representations and sets out specifications for mandatory label information such as the generic name of each fiber present and the dealer’s full name and postal address or a CA identification number. The Act allows designated inspectors to enter any place at any reasonable time; examine textile fiber products, open packages, examine and make copies of documents or papers; and seize products, labeling, packaging or advertising material which do not conform with the Act and Regulations.

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Prohibitions of Textile Labelling Act

The Textile Labelling Act prohibits:

    • a dealer from selling, importing into the specific country or advertising prescribed consumer textile articles unless they are labeled with fiber content and dealer identification in accordance with the Act and Regulations
    • a dealer from making, in an advertisement, any representation with respect to the fiber content of the article unless it is in accordance with the Regulations
    • a dealer from making any false or misleading representations relating to textile fiber products, by means of a label, advertisement or otherwise.

The misleading advertising and deceptive marketing practices sections of the Competition Act may also apply. Generally speaking, these provisions prohibit making a materially false or misleading representation for the purpose of promoting a product or business interest.

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