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Non-Woven Fabrics

Non-woven, origin, properties, and application

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Nonwovens do not depend on the interlacing of yarn for internal cohesion. Intrinsically they have neither an organized geometrical structure. They are essentially the result of the relationship between one single fiber and another. This provides nonwoven fabrics with characteristics of their own, with new or better properties (absorption, filtration) and therefore opens them up to other applications.

Applications of Non-Wovens

Nonwoven fabrics are broadly defined as sheet or web structures bonded together by entangling fiber or filaments (and by perforating films) mechanically, thermally, or chemically. They are flat, porous sheets that are made directly from separate fibers or from molten plastic or plastic film. They are not made by weaving or knitting and do not require converting the fibers to yarn. Typically, a certain percentage of recycled fabrics and oil-based materials are used in nonwoven fabrics. The percentages of recycled fabrics vary based upon the strength of material needed for the specific use.

Conversely, some nonwoven fabrics can be recycled after use, given the proper treatment and facilities. For this reason, some consider nonwovens a more ecological fabric for certain applications, especially in fields and industries where disposable or single-use products are important, such as hospitals, schools, nursing homes, and luxury accommodations. Nonwoven fabrics are engineered fabrics that may be a limited life, single-use fabric, or very durable fabric.

Nonwoven fabrics provide specific functions such as absorbency, liquid repellence, resilience, stretch, softness, strength, flame retardancy, washability, cushioning, filtering, use as a bacterial barrier, and sterility. These properties are often combined to create fabrics suited for specific jobs while achieving a good balance between product use-life and cost. They can mimic the appearance, texture, and strength of the woven fabric and can be as bulky as the thickest paddings. In combination with other materials, they provide a spectrum of products with diverse properties and are used alone or as components of apparel, home furnishings, health care, engineering, industrial, and consumer goods.

Non-woven materials are used in numerous applications, including:

  • Hygiene
  • Medical
  • Filters
  • Geotextiles
  • Agriculture
  • Personal
  • Clothing
  • Household
  • Other

Current Applications of Nonwoven Fabrics in Automotives

  • Carpets
  • Floor mats
  • Dash insulators
  • Trunk mats
  • Cockpit I/P
  • A/B/C Pillars
  • Door Trim
  • Package Tray

Nonwoven Geotextile (Tech-Geo) – Functions & Applications

Tech-Geo is made from the highest quality PP fibers. It is a Nonwoven Geotextile, needle punched to form a strong fabric that relates its dimensional stability adding years to the life of any roadways, railways, landfills, landscaping, horticulture, or civil environmental application. This geotextile is resistant to UV degradation and biological, chemical environments normally found in soils.

A Geotextile as defined by ASTM as “Any permeable material used with foundation, soil, rock, earth, or any other geotechnical engineering-related material, as an integral part of a man-made project, structure, or system”. Geotextiles are categorized as, woven and nonwoven fabrics.

Functions of Nonwoven Geotextile (Tech-Geo)

  • Separation
  • Filtration
  • Drainage
  • Containment
  • Protection
  • Barrier


Tech-Geo acts to separate two layers of soil that have different particle size distributions, This prevents base materials from penetrating into underlying soft subgrade soils, thus maintaining design thickness and integrity of the layer.


This allows water to move through the soil while retaining all upstream soil particles. It is used to prevent soils from migrating into drainage aggregate or pipes while maintaining flow through the system.


Tech-Geo acts as a drain to carry fluid flow through less permeable soils. It dissipates pore water pressures at the base of embankments.



TechGeo is used in making geo-containers and geo-bags which are used in a wide range of applications.



Tech-Geo is used to cushion Geomembrane liners to prevent liner puncture due to drainage media, stones or other sharp objects. Paving fabrics are used as stress-absorbing mechanical interlayers in asphaltic overlays.


Techpave nonwoven paving fabrics when saturated with the tack coat function as a moisture barrier preventing entry of surface moisture into the pavement.

Application Areas of Non-Wovens

  • Landscaping
  • Roof Garden
  • Landfill
  • Root Barrier System
  • Drainage Application
  • Erosion Control
  • Pavement construction


Landscape Drainage

Landscape Drainage products are an economical and environmentally friendly option at any time. The application includes playing fields, golf courses, providing significant & environmental savings by minimizing the cost. A landscape fabric performs four significant functions: weed restriction, soil separation, reinforcement, and filtration. Tech-Geo is highly resistant to acids, alkalies, insecticides, fertilizers, and damage from insects and rodents. The weed control fabrics safely eliminate most weeds, while allowing water, air, and nutrients to penetrate the plant’s roots.


Roof Garden

Tech-Geo provides excellent drainage over the whole base area of the soil layer in addition to providing additional water protection. This product is also environmentally friendly; it absorbs and holds 10-12 times its weight of water, acts as a capillary dispersion layer, and performs the function of geotextiles separator filter.


Tech-Geo nonwovens are used in critical subsurface drainage systems,   soil separation, and geo-membranes liner protection against containment within landfills. These geotextiles provide the required strength and abrasion resistance to withstand installation and application stresses to create an effective, long-term drainage solution.

Root Barrier

TechGeo Provides a root barrier against root penetration to protect building path drainage pipes cables and lawns from the damage caused by the growth of tree roots. Geotech has characterized as impenetrability to root and it flexible lightweight and very easy to install resistant to bacteria and recyclable


Tech-Geo as drainage

Erosion control

Pavement construction

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  1. Locke says

    We are engaged in this area for more than ten years, different kinds of nonwoven fabrics such as coating laminated or composited nonwoven fabrics


    we are manufacture of all type of nonwoven fabric in india
    any reuirement to contact me +91 8200595433

  3. Muskan says

    Dear sir,

    I have one new idea for making of non woven fabric.

  4. Taqwa says

    Dear Sir.

    This is Eng.Taqwa Alzubi, from JERASH THE FIRST Company.

    We are an American company that produces PPEs (Personal protective equipment) located in Amman.

    We are looking for a fabric supplier, SMS, PP PE Laminated.

    Our target GSM =20,25,30,35,40 , both blue & white colors.

    Can you provide us with SMS, PP, or PE fabrics, GSM=20,25,30,35,40?

    Wating for your promoting reply.


    Eng.Taqwa Alzubi

  5. changshu nonwoven products co ltd says

    As a nonwoven fabric factory: Www.cswf.cn,we are proud of what we are working.

  6. changshu nonwoven products co ltd says

    As a Chinese non woven fabric factory,we are proud of what we are working

  7. Shivana Jain says

    Non Woven Fabrics is best for environment health parknonwoven.com also manufacturers and suppliers of the non woven products.

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