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Yarn to Fabric Manufacturing

A case study on spun yarn production to fabrics and finishing processes in a real-time production environment

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Fabric Inspection is done for fault/defect rate, fabric construction, end-to-end or edge-to-edge shading, color,handorfeel, length/width,printdefectandappearance.Itensurestominimize the rejection of cut panels or rejected garments due to fabric faults.

  • Production is 2000m per shift
  • Total inspection machines are12.
  • The total number of workers for two shifts is 110.
  • The 4-Point inspection system is carried out in
Figure 4.9: Inspection department
Figure 4.9: Inspection department




The inspection process is done in 2 stages.

  1. In the first stage, the fabric is thoroughly inspected for defects such as holes, slubs, knots, etc., and flags are put accordingly.
  • Yellow flag – this flag is put for detecting holes and the fabric is cut from that point.
  • White flag–this flag is put for detecting small defects which are so small that they cannot be cured and discounts can be provided on such fabrics.
Figure 5.0:First Inspection
Figure 5.0:First Inspection


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2. In the second stage fags are removed and points are given according to the 4-point system

Figure 5.1: 4-point inspection system
Figure 5.1: 4-point inspection system



Afterthe4-point inspection system, the fabric is being cut in a certain amount according to the buyer’s requirement and is being weighed on the weighing machine. If all the fabric cut is of the same weight then it is then sent for folding and packaging, but if there is a difference in weight then the fabric lot is resent to the inspection system for rechecking process.

Figure 5.2 Weighing machine
Figure 5.2 Weighing machine



After the fabric is weighed, it is then sent for folding. Two types of fabric folding are done in the industry- one is cardboard folding and the other is folded in roll form. The fabric which is used for domestic purposes is folded by a cardboard folding machine and the fabric which is to be sent for export are folded in roll form.

Figure 5.3Fabric folded in roll form
Figure 5.3Fabric folded in roll form



After folding, the fabric specification tag and barcode are attached to each and every lot, then it is packed and sent to the fabric warehouse.

Figure 5.4:Packed lot
Figure 5.4:Packed lot
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