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Energy consumption of chosen spinning mill

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In order to obtain the necessary information about energy consumption of a specific spinning mill, one which is able to spin every kind of staple fiber (i.e. cotton, linen, polyester, viscose) in a wide count range using both ring and open-end systems to be chosen.

Accumulating the power consumption data

In order to obtain the necessary information about energy consumption of a specific spinning mill, one which is able to spin every kind of staple fiber (i.e. cotton, linen, polyester, viscose) in a wide count range using both ring and open-end systems were chosen. This spinning mill included not only machines used for manufacturing (blowing room, carding, combing, drawing, roving, spinning, winding), but also included 5 air conditioning systems, 2 compressors and 2555 lamps for illumination. Besides this, the chosen spinning mill used only electrical energy.

Energy consumption on various machines

The unit power needed for corresponding machines in production line and power for the air conditioning system, compressors and lamps can be seen in Table. Installed power is a power needed for each equipment if there is no energy loss; the actual power was calculated taking into consideration energy loss or energy efficiency. The total installed and actual power needed for each equipment given in the table was obtained by multiplying the number of machines with the unit power required. The subtotal of each equipment group is also shown, i.e. subtotal of actual power necessary for carding machines is 229.5 kW. In addition, the last column of the table shows the share of actual power required for each equipment group in the total actual power consumption, i.e. carding machines form 9.44% of the total actual power consumption. The amount of total actual power in the chosen spinning mill was determined as 2432.8 kW in which machines, air conditioning, compressors, and illumination were included and the machines consumed energy which formed 78% of the total energy consumption alone.

Equipment Type Number of machines For unit machine For total Share of each in otal actual power, %
Installed power,kW Actual power, kW Installed power,kW Actual power, kW
Blow Room (Cot-Linen Line) 1 36.00 22.00 36.00 22.00 8.10
Blow Room (Automatic) 1 64.00 42.00 64.00 42.00
Blow Room (Manuel1) 6 16.30 8.00 97,75 48.00
Blow Room (Manuel2) 3 7.15 4.00 21,45 12.00
Blow Room (Poly/vis) 4 26.10 10.75 104,50 43.00
Vertical Opener 5 9.40 6.00 47.00 30.00
SUB TOTAL 158.95 92.75 370,70 197.00
Carding M. (Saco-Lowell) 5 4.00 3.30 20.00 16.50 9.44
Carding M.(C10) 8 13.25 8.50 106.00 68.00
Carding M.(Rieter) 10 20.70 14.50 207.00 145.00
SUB TOTAL 37.95 26.30 333.00 229.50
Drawing Machines 14 10.00 7.50 140.00 105.00 4.30
Combing Machines 4 6.53 5.50 26.12 22.00 0.90
Lap Machine 1 13.00 11.00 13.00 11.00 0.45
Roving Machines 12 17.30 11.40 207.50 136.80 5.60
Ring Spinning Machines 33 40.00 34.00 1320.00 700.00 28.80
Ring Traveler Robots 10 0.497 0.30 4.97 3.00 0.10
Open-end Spinning Machines 1 5 81.60 60.00 408.00 300.00 15.10
Open-end Spinning Machines 2 1 100.00 67.50 100.00 67.50
Winding Machine 10 15.50 13.50 155.00 135.00 5.60
SUBTOTAL OF MACHINES 3078.29 1906.80 78.40
Compressor 1 1 58.00 40.00 58.00 40.00 2.63
Compressor 2 1 45.00 24.00 45.00 24.00
SUBTOTAL OF COMPRESSORS 103.00 64.00 103.00 64.00
Air Conditioning System 1 1 110.00 55.00 110.00 55.00 16.00
Air Conditioning System 2 1 147.10 91.00 147.10 91.00
Air Conditioning System 3 1 147.10 116.00 147.10 116.00
Air Conditioning System 4 1 126.00 73.00 126.00 73.00
Air Conditioning System 5 1 81.50 55.00 81.50 55.00
SUBTOTAL OF AIR CONDITIONING 611.70 390.00 611.70 390.00
LAMPS 2555 0.04 102.00 72.00 2.98
TOTAL 3894.99 2432.80 100

Energy consumption for a chosen spinning mill in May

The chosen spinning mill operated in 3 shifts a day which consisted of 8 hours and also works 25 days a month. Considering the monthly operating time and number of machines, the monthly (May) energy consumption of the chosen spinning mill was calculated and all the data are shown in the following table. The actual total monthly energy consumption of the spinning mill was 1459680 kWh/month in May as shown. 78.4% of this energy was consumed by the machines, see Figure 1.a and 37% of the monthly energy consumed by the machines was due to the ring spinning machines (Figure 1.b).

power consumption by spinning machines

In order to determine the unit energy consumption of unit yarn mass which is known as specific energy consumption, the monthly energy consumption of the investigated mill was divided by monthly production quantity and the variation obtained is demonstrated in Figure. The amount of specific energy consumption changed between 3.23 and 3.76 kWh/kg in the chosen mill among the selected months. These values were the average which changed depending on the yarn properties.

power consumption by spinning machines during the year

Equipment Type Hourly energy consumption, kWh Daily energy consumption, kWh Monthly energy consumption, kWh
Blow Room (Cot-Linen Line) 22 528.0 13200
Blow Room (Automatic) 42 1008.0 25200
Blow Room (Manuel1) 48 1152.0 28800
Blow Room (Manuel2) 12 288.0 7200
Blow Room (Poly/vis) 43 1032.0 25800
Vertical Opener 30 720.0 18000
SUB TOTAL 197 4728.0 118200
Carding M.(Sacolowell) 16.5 396.0 9900
Carding M.(C10) 68 1632.0 40800
Carding M.(Rieter) 145 3480.0 87000
SUB TOTAL 229.5 5508.0 137700
Drawing Machines 105 2520.0 63000
Combing + Lap Machines 33 792.0 19800
Roving Machines 136.8 3283.2 82080
Ring Spinning Machines + Robots 703 16872.0 421800
Open-end Spinning Machines 367.5 8820.0 220500
Winding Machines 135 3240.0 81000
MACHINE TOTAL 1906.8 45763.2 1144080
ILLUMINATION 72 1728.0 43200
COMPRESSORS 64 1536.0 38400
TOTAL 2432.8 58387.2 1459680
1 Comment
  1. Shiva says

    The information shared by you is very useful but can you please tell me the number of spindles that you have taken under consideration?

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