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Clothing Signifying Culture

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By looking at one’s clothing, you can learn something about the way people of that time thought and felt. Clothing differs from country to country. Every culture has had its unique clothing style.The styles reveal much about the people’s customers and beliefs. We refer to the customs, beliefs, values, and skills of a group of people as their culture.

Clothing as a communicator of culture

The spread of one country’s culture on its temporal side was entirely due to the country’s traders and exporters who were their cultural ambassadors abroad, through the export of its famous textiles. Foreign visitors, on their departure, always carry away with them, the priceless treasure and cultural clothing.

As features of a culture change, so do the clothing styles. By studying the clothing of different periods in history you can understand the customs, beliefs, values, economics, and technology of that time.


Customs refer to a long-accepted practice or tradition. The customs of a nation influences people’s clothing choices.For example, the long, white wedding dress is accustom of western countries. In the east, other colors are worn.Many customs in clothing are disappearing from our society. One it was the custom for only males to wear pants.

Now it is accepted for both males and females to wear pants. It is used to be the custom for people to wear hats whenever they went out. Today hats are seldom worn.Designers often turn to the past (recent or distant) or folk customs for ideas and themes.

Customs falls into two categories, historical and folk or ethnic custom.Historical custom is the fashion a certain historical period and folk or ethnic custom is the traditional national or regional dress.


Clothing can reflect beliefs of individuals and groups. Religious groups often adopt a certain style of clothing. Beliefs about magic and luck have been held by people of many cultures. Their clothing reflects these beliefs.For example, some people wear a “lucky hat” to go finish.

That person believes wearing that will improve the chances of clothing fish.

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Clothing can reflect the values of individuals and groups. Values are the things which people believe are right and good. They are the things which are considered important. The basic beliefs which you rate highly are your values.Modesty is the value of many people.

During the past years women would wear low-cut dresses but would not expose their ankles, it was thought immodest for the women to show her legs.The American colonists valued hard work and practicality by wearing clothing that was plain and sturdy. There are people today who value practicality.

The seek clothing that is comfortable, easy to, care for, and long-lasting.Others value appearance. They wear clothing that is of the latest fashion. They may sacrifice comfort and practicality in order to be in style.


The term economics relates the way people produce, distribute and use goods and services.People were once limited to the clothes the family or individual could produce if there was a good wearer in the family had good clothes.

Then people began to barter (trade) goods and skills one else’s goods and skills. Someone who was good at farming might trade some wheat for cloth made by a skilled wearer. Thus a change in economics led to a change in clothing choice.The economy of a culture also affects clothing style.


The way a society uses its resources to produce things is referred to as technology. The industrial revolution brought many changes in technology. With the industrial revolution came as a new middle-class people who had made their fortunes in the business world.

They wanted to appear dependable and serious-minded. They rejected the frills of upper-class clothing and chose what the standard business suit became. As more women entered the workforce they looked for clothing that was comfortable and practical.

  1. Bharti says

    About Cultures, there are many things. A culture that is prevalent in India is Indian Culture. The culture, widespread in western countries is as Western Culture.

    Visit W3Schools.com!

  2. Bharti says

    About Cultures, there are many things. A culture that is prevalent in India is Indian Culture. The culture, widespread in western countries is as Western Culture.

    Visit W3Schools.com!

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