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Different Technological Methodologies Used in Garment Industry

Apparel Manufacutring technological advancements adopted by different countries

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In this article technologies adopted for production preparatory process, production process and post-production process used in the garment manufacturing industry and the level of technology that is used for each process commonly used by different countries viz. India, China, Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka.


Garment Pressing

Pressing is done when pressure is applied by pressing the fabric between two flat or curved surfaces (no related movement between the areas); and although pressing is a batch-like process of ironing, compression is applied mainly to large areas (as it is a faster process than ironing) or 3D forming of part of the garment (e.g., by pressing convex and concave surface together).

Machines Used by Different Countries


India has a base level technology; it uses manual pressing. It is the use of heat, humidity and pressure to maintain real-time standing, shaping, or dropping of fabrics, clothing, or clothing components in geometric forms. Pressing is done to make the fabric smooth or to give it the right form. It’s important for the process of finishing in the clothing industry. The basic tools are metal, ironing board and pressure cloth. The metal is light but the dry metal used in the fabric of the machine and the moisture sometimes gives the machine more satisfaction. The ironing board should match your height, smoothness and tightness.


China has a base level technology; it uses manual pressing


Bangladesh has a base level technology; it uses manual pressing


Vietnam has a base level technology; it uses manual pressing

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has a base level technology; it uses manual pressing


Packing means packing, crowding, filling or creating goods for the purpose of protecting goods and their easy handling. Packing is an important part of a product, which should get a lot of attention from people. It pertains to the design and production of appropriate product packages. Packing also refers to the process of construction, testing, and production of packages. Packing can be defined as a systematic process of transporting goods, storing goods, selling goods, and finishing.

Machines Used by Different Countries


India has a base level technology; it uses manual counting and size-wise segregation.

After the final inspection & folding of the garments, the garments are poly-packed with twelve ingenuity, colour intelligence, smart size, assembled and packed in a box. The box is marked with important details in a printed form that can be easily seen outside the box. In particular, it is necessary to ensure the correct placement of the sticker.


China has a base level technology; it uses manual counting and size-wise segregation.


Bangladesh has a base level technology; it uses manual counting and size-wise segregation


Vietnam has a base level technology; it uses manual counting and size-wise segregation

Sri Lanka

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Sri Lanka has a base level technology; it uses manual counting and size-wise segregation

Thread Cutting

In the traditional production system, sewing operators are used only for sewing clothes, not for cutting the tail tails after sewing. Sewed garments with threads are sent to the finishing stage and upon completion, the stage assistants are hired to cut the thread.

Machines Used by Different Countries


India has a mid-level technology; it uses auto trimmer.
In recent years it is understood by many manufacturers of ready-made garments that cutting the thread is a costly process and this process can be eliminated. So, they started the job of cutting the thread by sewing the operator and enjoyed many benefits by introducing the cutting of the thread at the sewing station. When cutting the thread is done by the operator himself within the sewing line, the process is known as ‘cutting the thread in a row.


China has a mid-level technology; it uses auto trimmer.


Bangladesh has a base level technology; they do a manual trimming


Vietnam has a mid-level technology; it uses an auto trimmer

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has a mid-level technology; it uses an auto trimmer

Generation of Steam

The boiler is equipped with a fuel box or furnace to heat the fuel and generate heat. The heat generated is transferred to water to form a vapour, a boiling process. This produces a full volume of smoke that can vary depending on the pressure above boiling water.

Machines Used by Different Countries


India has a mid-level technology; it uses briquette. In the textile and textile industries, thermal energy is used to produce steam, while emissions are used to produce fibre, weaving, dyeing, drying, printing, ironing, washing, heating equipment, and maintaining system temperature. A standard steam generator called a steam generator.


China has a mid-level technology; it uses briquette.


Bangladesh has an advanced level of technology, it uses CNG.


Vietnam has a mid-level technology, it uses briquette.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has a mid-level technology, it uses briquette.

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