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Need of a Sizing System for Indian Apparel Industry

Research study on the requirement of a Sizing System exclusive to Indian Apparel Industry

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The research report here examines awareness among people about the Indian apparel sizing system in accordance with the universal sizing system. Also, a questionnaire provided at the end of the article would help people volunteering to collect anthropometric data on behalf of any organization.


We all know that India does not have its own sizing system. So, keeping this in mind I conducted survey about the knowledge of Indian sizing system, problem faced due to current sizing system, knowing the mindset to volunteer for the anthropometric data collection and so on. The survey included people from different ages, occupations, genders, geographic regions and so on.

Through this survey I proved my hypothesis, “India needs its own sizing system”.

I collected the data of the citizens and ran 5 hypothesis tests: –


The tests concluded several results like

All the tests came out with the results in favor of our hypothesis that “India needs its own sizing system”.


  1. Dey, S. (2019). Why India needs its own size chart for the right fit. Retrieved 26 May 2021, from https://www.livemint.com/industry/manufacturing/why-india-needs-its-own-size-chart-for-the-right-fit-1548305046228.html
  2. Gupta, D. (2010). Anthropometric Study of Young Indian Men for Garment Sizing. Research Journal Of Textile And Apparel14(1), 82-89. doi: 10.1108/rjta-14-01-2010-b009
  3. Jeyasingh, M., &Appavoo, K. (2012). Retrieved 26 May 2021, from http://www.mecs-press.com/ijitcs/ijitcs-v4-n6/IJITCS-V4-N6-2.pdf
  4. Kausher, H., & Srivastava, S. (2007). Developing Structured Sizing Systems for Manufacturing Ready-Made Garments of Indian Females Using Decision Tree-Based Data Mining. Retrieved 26 May 2021, from https://publications.waset.org/10010963/developing-structured-sizing-systems-for-manufacturing-ready-made-garments-of-indian-females-using-decision-tree-based-data-mining
  5. Mcculloch, C., Paal, B., & Ashdown, S. (2007). An optimisation approach to apparel sizing. Retrieved 26 May 2021, from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1057/palgrave.jors.2600533
  6. Media coverage on INDIASize | NIFT. Retrieved 26 May 2021, from https://nift.ac.in/india-size

7. Vasesi, A. (2018). India Sizing soon to be a reality; set to boost Indian retail | Apparel Resources. Retrieved 26 May 2021, from https://in.apparelresources.com/business-news/retail/india-sizing-soon-reality-2/



A sizing system is a table of numbers that represents the value of key dimensions used to classify the measurement of bodies encountered in the population. It is based on anthropometric data (measurement of humans) and is known as an anthropometric sizing system.


This survey is for educational purpose only.

  1. Name: –


  1. Age: –


  1. Gender: –
    1. Male
    2. Female
    3. Non binary
    4. Prefer not to say


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  1. Which part of India are you from?
    1. North
    2. South
    3. East
    4. West


  1. Occupation: –


  1. Do you know that India does not have their own sizing system?
    1. Yes
    2. No


  1. How regular do you need to buy new clothes?

Within a monthIn 3-4 months     After 6 months     In 9-10 months     After 1 year

  1. Formals
  2. Jackets
  3. Denim Jeans
  4. Casual Wear
  5. Party Wear


  1. From where do you buy your clothes?
    1. Online
    2. In stores
    3. Custom Made


  1. Which part of the body feels uncomfortable in your ready-made garments?

Bust/Chest     Waist     Hips     Fits perfectly

  1. Formals
  2. Jackets
  3. Denim Jeans
  4. Casual Wear
  5. Party Wear


  1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how comfortable are you with the universal sizing system?

1 = Extremely comfortable; 5 = Extremely uncomfortable

Extremely comfortable     Comfortable     Neutral     Uncomfortable     Extremely uncomfortable

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5


  1. Do you think India needs its own sizing system?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Maybe


  1. If a sizing survey is initiated, will you be willing to volunteer?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Maybe


  1. For taking your whole-body measurements, which method would you find most comfortable?

Comfortable     Not comfortable

  1. Traditional
  2. 3-D Body scanning
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